
The Flash Season 6 Replaces Another Character With A Mirror Version - Screen Rant

Warning: SPOILERS ahead for The Flash season 6, episode 16 "So Long and Goodnight."

The Flash season 6, episode 16 reveals another long-time member of the series has been taken to the Mirrorverse as part of Eva McCulloch's (Efrat Dor) plans. The second half of the season has slowly but steadily been fleshing out the ambiguous realm that Iris West-Allen (Candice Patton) has been trapped within since The Flash mid-season 6 premiere following Crisis on Infinite Earths. As The Flash continues to expand upon the reimagined version of DC's second Mirror Master, Team Flash has yet to discover what's going on particularly with "Iris." The second member to get duplicated as a mirrored doppelganger was Kamilla Hwang (Victoria Park) when she discovered through her camera that something wasn't right with Iris.

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Once she caught on to what "Iris" was up to, Kamilla is zapped by the Mirror gun. Following the events of "Death of the Speed Force," Kamilla's mirror-clone joins Iris' clone as they serve Eva together outside of the Mirrorverse. While the real Kamilla has yet to reemerge, it's highly possible that she got sent to the Mirrorverse, with the Mirror gun having more abilities than simply destroying any object. Given Eva's ongoing manipulation of Iris in the Mirrorverse, it would make sense if Kamilla is trapped somewhere else in the realm by Eva in order to make Iris think they're on the same side. But another cast member appears to have been taken by Eva and made to serve her.

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The Flash season 6's "So Long and Goodnight" sees the return of David Singh (Patrick Sabongui), CCPD's chief of police as he aids Joe West (Jesse L. Martin) when the captain becomes a target. Throughout the sixteenth episode Singh advises Joe to remove himself from the case and go into witness protection as Joseph Carver (Eric Nenninger) attempts to take him out. After almost dying at the hands of the Black Hole member through Rag Doll (Troy James), Joe takes up Singh's offer and goes into witness protection. While the captain might be safe, it appears that this is what Eva wanted. When Singh gets into his car, he begins speaking to Eva through the driver's mirror, stating that "Joe West is out of the way, as requested. Success is assured."


Not only does this please Eva, but it becomes evident that this isn't the Singh that viewers have been watching for six years. Prior to this reveal, Singh's behavior was suspicious in the previous episode "The Exorcism of Nash Wells," where the former captain wasn't completely like himself. Despite the fact that it hasn't been visually proven that Singh has been taken to the Mirrorverse, his mannerisms in the reveal match both mirror-clones of Iris and Kamilla. Even though Eva's endgame is still mostly a mystery, it would be out of character of Singh, as a respected member in law enforcement, to ever align himself with someone trapping people inside realms like the Mirrorverse.

It remains unclear exactly when Eva would have trapped and replaced him with a mirrored doppelganger. The most plausible scenario is that like Kamilla, Singh was exposed to the Mirror gun by "Iris" off-screen, possibly even in "The Exorcism of Nash Wells", if not earlier. With The Flash season 6 ending earlier than planned, due to the Coronavirus pandemic, answers may not arrive until season 7. But with Singh's insistence on Joe not pursuing Carver and Black Hole, the latest twist on The Flash explains his odd behavior and expands the Mirrorverse plot while Eva gains more control.

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The Flash Season 6 Replaces Another Character With A Mirror Version - Screen Rant
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