
The Flash Just Stole a Line from the CW Show - and Made It Even BETTER - CBR - Comic Book Resources

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for The Flash #760, by Joshua Williamson, Christian Duce, Scott Kolins, Luis Guerrero, Hi-Fi and Steve Wands, on sale now.

On The CW television series The Flash, Barry Allen has been active as the Scarlet Speedster for six years. Over time, Barry has built a team of superheroes and people he loves and trust to help him in his crusade to protect Central City. Team Flash is largely held together at its core by Iris West-Allen, Barry's wife. The two have been in love for a long time, and she has reminded Barry countless times over that he isn't the Flash alone. Indeed, "We are the Flash" is a line the show has used on multiple occasions. It's a reminder of Iris' importance, and that Barry is never alone in his never-ending fight.

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The specific line has become a signature of sorts for the television series, given that it summarizes what the show is about: Barry and Iris. And now, The Flash #760 brings that iconic line to the comic books -- and it makes it infinitely better.

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We are the Flash

In The Flash #759, Eobard Thawne was successful in taking control of Barry Allen's body. Now that he had his wish of being the one and only Flash, he went about trying to prove he could be an even better superhero than his sworn enemy. However, it didn't take long for cracks to start to show. Eventually, Bart Allen figured out that Barry wasn't Barry, and he joined forces with Wallace, Avery and Iris to stop him. While all of them were no match for the Reverse Flash, Jay Garrick swooped in just in time to challenge the super-villain.

Now, in the latest issue of the comic series, Barry reunites with classic speedsters Max Mercury and Jesse Quick inside the Speed Force. There, they teach him how to take back control of his own body and eventually, Barry is successful -- but he doesn't return to reality alone. He manages to also take the venerable heroes along with him, bringing the fan-favorite speedsters back into the DC Universe after a nearly ten years absence.

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Flash Jesse Quick Max Mercury

For longtime DC fans, it's great to finally see all of these speedsters back together again. And the cherry on top comes in the form of Barry using the line from The Flash television show.

Even better, Barry doesn't just refer to him and Iris. He's talking about his entire team, who he considers to be his family as well. Finally, after all this time, the Flash Family is reunited.

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August 31, 2020 at 10:41AM

The Flash Just Stole a Line from the CW Show - and Made It Even BETTER - CBR - Comic Book Resources
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