
The Flash Family Reunion Couldn’t Come at a Better Time - Screen Rant

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for The Flash #760

Although there are many heroes in the DC universe who are known for being lone wolves, The Flash thrives on support from the community he's built. The Flash Family lineup has become vast. It encompasses past, present, and future iterations of The Flash, as well as their families. Together they form a massive web of people ready to take on any challenge they face, and support whoever bares the name of The Flash, no matter which Earth, timeline, or scenario they find themselves in.

This unique dynamic is what gives The Flash so much of his power and drive. It's one of the biggest aspects of his character that stands him apart from his enemies. He fights for those he loves in order to make a better world for them, to keep them and everyone else safe. He doesn't just use them, he relies on them. In return, they fight for him, and at times continue his legacy: that of resilience, family, justice, and most importantly, speed. These characters aren't just his sidekicks, they each have their own abilities - speed or otherwise - as well as their own backstories, which have garnered them a special place in fans' hearts. This is precisely why the latest issue of The Flash #760 was so exciting: we got to see a long awaited reunion attended by some recently "revived" familiar faces.

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Related: The Reverse-Flash Has Just Become The Flash

Earlier this month, fans were blessed with the first appearance of Jesse Quick and Max Mercury they'd seen since Flashpoint. In this week's issue, it was the Flash Family's turn to finally be reunited with their two beloved members. With the advice of Max and Jesse, backed by the knowledge they've gained about the Speed Force from their years in captivity; Barry Allen's Flash is finally able to focus his thoughts, retake control of his body from Eobard Thawne, and help the three break free from their powerful prison.

flash family 2 cropped

Back in the real world, outside of what Max coins as "The Starting Line", Barry separates the Reverse Flash from his body and reunites with his team, ready to take on whatever Thawne's got planned... together. Fans get to see the biggest Flash Family reunion in years, even getting a glimpse at the Tornado Twins before they are released from Thawne's control and return to their own time. The look on Bart's face when he sees Max is a pretty good representation of how readers likely felt seeing the whole team back together. And even though Max tells Bart that the reunion can wait, fans have waited long enough.

Plus, this reunion truly could not have come at a better time. Thawne is ready with a backup plan, having recruited an army in preparation to fight in an epic battle which is sure to keep readers on the edge of their seats. As the newly reunited Flash Family gears up to take on their next challenge, Barry reminds Thawne, that despite what he thinks, he "is not The Flash alone".

Next: How FLASHPOINT Became The Defining Flash Story In Just 10 Years

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The Flash Family Reunion Couldn’t Come at a Better Time - Screen Rant
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