
The Flash Writer is Teasing The REBIRTH of Wally West - Screen Rant

Big things are heading Wally West's way, now that the former Flash is officially back in DC Continuity, with more power than ever before. But even if he's lacking a place in the current DC Universe, the current writer of The Flash family is teasing a resolution to Wally's story, which first began in DC Universe Rebirth #1.

The teases come directly from writer Joshua Williamson sharing what appears to be comic book panels from an unknown release. Depicting pretty interesting teasers. Wally West trapped in the Speed Force, the front face of a familiar watch, and the unforgettable inscription that "Every second is a gift." Fans know the connection between Wally's watch and Barry Allen who gave it to him, since it featured prominently in DC Universe: Rebirth #1, which kicked off the new era of the DC Universe. That plot resulted in Wally's return to the DC continuity, along with several other forgotten heroes at the climax of Doomsday Clock, the DC/Watchmen crossover event. But Wally's not finished changing things just yet.

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The images shared by Williamson on Twitter could be hinting at one of two things. It could be a tease for Williamson's final arc of The Flash, before the leaving the series. In the concluding "Finish Line' arc, every speedster of note has shown up for the final showdown between Barry Allen and Eobard Thawne, the Reverse-Flash. Thawne's Legion of Zoom has expanded to feature even more Flash rogues and villains from across the Flash mythos, and even more speedsters have arrived after long hiatuses, like Jay Garrick, Max Mercury, and even Jesse Quick. However, Wally West has yet to make an appearance.

The Flash Wally West Rebirth Speed Metal

Wally's absence is understandable, since he has recently been transformed on a cosmic level, and is trying to restore the timeline and Multiverse still fractured by Doctor Manhattan. Therefore, it is more likely that Williamson is teasing big things for Wally in his DC Dark Nights: Death Metal one-shot, Dark Nights: Speed Metal.

In Speed Metal, Wally West will be reunited with Barry, Jay, and Wallace as they try to protect him from the grasp of the Batman Who Laughs and his Lightning Knights. Lately, Wally has been on the path to redemption, trying to set things right after some monumental mistakes, most notably in Heroes in CrisisIn Death Metal, The Batman Who Laughs has transformed and become the Darkest Knight, after claiming the powers of a Batmanhattan for himself. Now, he seeks to take Wally's own Manhattan power in Speed Metal, which he got when he recently sat on the Mobius Chair, which Manhattan had put some of his power into prior. With the Flash Family at his side, Williamson has said that Speed Metal will wrap up Wally's story begun in Rebirth.

If Speed Metal is the conclusion to Wally's Rebirth story, Wally West fans had better be prepared for some big reveals, as the closing chapter of Williamson's run on Wally West is coming very soon next month. Dark Nights: Speed Metal releases September 22nd.

More: DC's SPEED METAL Set To Be A Must-Read For Wally West Fans

Source: Josh Williamson

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