
DC Universe's Darkest Secret Was Revealed When Flash Lost His Speed - Screen Rant

One unfortunate incident involving the Flash and the mysterious H-Dial shined a light on the nature of superpowers in the DC Universe. At the worst possible moment, Barry Allen’s superspeed was transferred to someone else, leaving him to stop a prison break while powerless. The event provided a look at how the H-Dial really operates and revealed a terrible secret for heroes everywhere.

During the New 52, DC attempted a marketing stunt in April of 2013 where every book released would be “WTF Certified”. The idea was that every book would have shocking gatefold covers, as well as developments in every book that would leave fans stunned. Though DC didn’t follow through with the branding, the covers and plot developments remained. Two comics would live up to the stunt’s name, however, in a crossover that accidentally brought a new perspective on the powers of superheroes.

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Flash #18 ended with Barry Allen’s powers disappearing right before a group of criminals demanding the release of the Trickster took over Iron Heights prison. Barry had no idea what’s happened and is forced to save the day in the next issue using nothing but his wits and equipment confiscated from the Rogues. As Barry grapples with his lack of speed, Dial H #11 shows series protagonist, Nelson Jent, utilizing his H-Dial to avoid an embarrassing conversation with his crime-fighting partner. Jent, however, was unprepared for the new powers bestowed on him, sending him into a panicked flurry. Assisted by his friend, Roxie, Nelson is able to calm himself, revealing that he has become the Flash, complete with Barry's trademark speed.

Readers unfamiliar with the H-Dial may have been surprised at the incident if they weren't reading both series. By dialing 4376, or HERO, on the dial, users can temporarily become strange, powerful heroes.  While most characters are newly created one-offs, heroes such as the Flash and Plastic Man have been dialed at various points, which brings up a haunting notion for the DC Universe. Dial H #0 showed a hero from another world, Bumper Carla, seeking revenge on an H-Dial user after her powers were stolen, which resulted in the deaths of innocents.

It's assumed that the powers of any hero are intrinsically linked to them, such as Barry's personal connection to the Speed Force. However, if the H-Dial can remove the abilities of anyone at any given moment, then that isn't true at all. The abilities of the Flash or any superhero in the DC Universe don't genuinely belong to them and are all at the mercy of chance. To make matters worse, a hero could lose their powers when they need them the most. Flash got lucky, but other heroes haven't been.

Of course, the Flash's connection to the Speed Force can never be permanently taken away, but thanks to the existence of the H-Dial, it could be temporarily reassigned.

Next: Flash's Ultimate Power Is An Existential Nightmare for One Dark Reason

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