"The Flash" Season 6 "Grodd Friended Me" Preview: Post-Crisis Sensitive - Bleeding Cool News
The CW's The Flash could be a little nicer to Grant Gustin's Barry -all things considered. As much as some want to attack him for not being able to see that "Iris" (Candice Patton) isn't his Iris, we can't forget that he's still trying to wrap his brain around all of the post-"Crisis" changes that happened around him. Dead are now alive… alive are now dead… heroes become villains, and vice-versa – or whole new identities with brand new origin stories.
Hell, we even learn that Barry can't even find his parents' gravesites (Hmmm…) – so it's understandable if he's a little testy in the following preview for "Grodd Friended Me". That said, he also runs the risk of chasing away those who could help him the most…
"The Flash" season 6, episode 13 "Grodd Friended Me": GRODD RETURNS – Feeling overwhelmed with all the changes since Crisis, Barry (Grant Gustin) conducts an experiment that goes awry and puts him directly in Gorilla Grodd's (voiced by David Sobolov) path. Expecting the worst, Barry is surprised when Grodd asks for his help. Unfortunately for both The Flash and Grodd, things get worse when another villain appears – Solovar (voiced by Keith David). Meanwhile, Iris (Candice Patton) works with Eva (guest star Efrat Dor) to escape the Mirrorverse. Stefan Pleszczynski directed the episode, written by Kristen Kim and Joshua V. Gilbert.
Proudly serving as TV Editor, Ray started with Bleeding Cool in 2013 as a contributing writer/photographer before being brought aboard as staff in 2017. Counting John Cusack as his pop culture "spirit animal," his "word fu" stays strong as he continues trying really hard to be the sheppard...
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