
The Flash is Recruiting For DC's Suicide Squad | Screen Rant - Screen Rant

Warning! Spoilers ahead for The Flash #773!

The new Flash of Central City, Wally West, just unintentionally recruited Heat Wave into the Suicide Squad! Heat Wave is one of the Flash’s most iconic villains in his rogues gallery. However, the last time Flash saw him, Heat Wave had supposedly reformed. Therefore, his return to villainy in the latest issue of The Flash is a big surprise to Wally as he was sure Heat Wave had changed his ways.

The true reason for Heat Wave's return to crime is linked to his newly diagnosed terminal illness. After learning he has cancer and is dying, Heat Wave slips back into his costume and grabs his heat gun. After all, crime is what he knows best. Luckily, Wally is willing to be compassionate and reach out to the hurting so-called villain, and he manages to get through to him. It turns out that Heat Wave had lost all hope and that’s why he is back causing havoc in Central City.

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At the end of The Flash #773 by Jeremy Adams, Will Conrad, Alex Sinclair and Steve Wands, Heat Wave is locked back up in jail once again. After Wally West’s compassionate talk, Heat Wave agrees to go back into lockup as he is promised a medical specialist to treat him. However, things go sideways as the Suicide Squad’s very own Amanda Waller shows up outside his jail cell. As soon as Waller appears, Heat Wave knows exactly what she’s about to talk to him about: joining the Suicide Squad.

In The Swamp Thing #6, Heat Wave is seen as a new recruit working for Peacemaker’s Suicide Squad. This is all Wally’s fault since he inadvertently set up Heat Wave to join the team. If he wasn’t sent back to jail at that exact time, Waller wouldn’t have been there and she might have searched for another recruit in his absence. If anything, this issue proves that Heat Wave is repentant and not a full-on villain, despite still having some fire within him. Naturally, Heatwave has no problem going out and torching his way to Swamp Thing. However, it’s true that like all other Suicide Squad members, he is being forced by Waller.

When Flash finds out about Heat Wave’s recruitment he is not going to be happy, as he believes that he had gotten through to the ex-villain after their fight in this issue. This is the worst possible thing that could have happened to Heat Wave as he could get another taste of what it’s like to be a villain. The only difference is that, as a member of the Suicide Squad, he now has government permission to reign havoc using deadly force. The Flash #773 is available in comic book stores and on digital platforms now.

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