
Why The Flash Building His Own Speed Force Will Be A Disaster - Screen Rant

On a superhero show called The Flash, one would expect a superhero with speed, however, Barry building his own Speed Force will be a disaster. Unfortunately, following the events of the "Crisis on Infinite Earths" arc, Barry Allen is in danger of losing his speed, permanently. To prevent that outcome, he decided at the end of last season that the best way to save his speed was to build his own Speed Force. Previous disastrous experiences with him making similar decisions should be a red flag that this won't work out the way he anticipates.

One of the biggest changes brought about by "Crisis on Infinite Earths" was the destruction of the Speed Force after it was poisoned by the Spectre’s presence. Since then, Barry Allen has been gradually losing his speed right when he needs it most to save Iris, who is still trapped in the Mirrorverse. In his desperation to save his wife, Barry may once again be giving in to his impulsive tendencies instead of thinking things through.

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Related: The Flash: Why Savitar's Timeline Was The Worst Barry Allen Created

Historically on The Flash, whenever Barry has messed with the timelines or tried to alter the way his powers work, there have been consequences for him, those around him, and for the fabric of time itself.  His history of making decisions in a sometimes-rash manner has resulted in the creation of multiple alternate timelines on The Flash, starting from when he went back in time to save his mother and prevent his father from going to jail.  Changing timelines multiple times, including his most infamous timeline change, Flashpoint, has seen him return to a world where Cisco’s brother died, Caitlin transformed into Killer Frost, and villains such as Savitar and Alchemy were terrorizing Central City. When Barry’s daughter from the future, Nora, followed in his footsteps, The Flash’s arch-nemesis Eobard Thawne was released from prison, and a new timeline launched that accelerated the arrival of "Crisis on Infinite Earths" by at least five years.

Eobard Thawne and Barry Allen in The Flash Season 5

In his desperation, Barry Allen seems to have forgotten the havoc Eobard Thawne brought about by messing with an artificial Speed Force. At one point Thawne was doing nothing but trying to outrun his own erasure from existence by the Speed Force. Barry should remember there are personal consequences to be faced should he choose this route. His powers might not even work the same as before.

Instead of considering the fallout of Thawne’s methods, Barry is using Thawne’s ideas in his latest endeavors. Thawne wasn’t a natural speedster but gave himself his speed by creating what Barry and his colleagues at Star Labs now know as the Negative Speed Force that feeds off darker emotions, corrupting those who use it. On The Flash Barry Allen’s daughter Nora realized this and turned down Thawne’s offer to save herself by entering the Negative Speed Force, not wanting to turn into a monster.  Barry believes his artificial Speed Force won’t be like Thawne’s, but history has shown he's probably wrong. While his prime motivation may be to save Iris, Barry’s rush to power up again could also be because he can’t face living life without his speed. For that reason, he may be willing to risk anything and anyone even while not admitting it to himself.

There is no doubt that Barry Allen is going to regain his speed on The Flash season 7, but what will happen when he does? If Barry does succeed in generating his speed artificially or on his own, independent from the Speed Force, he will need new checks and balances, a stronger sense of personal responsibility, and accountability to make sure he uses his powers more wisely than he has before. Barry Allen will need to be a more mature version of himself to avoid another catastrophe.

Next: Who The Flash's Season 7 Mystery Villain Could Be

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Why The Flash Building His Own Speed Force Will Be A Disaster - Screen Rant
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