
The New Flash, Kid Quick, is Officially Joining DC's Universe - Screen Rant

The new Flash of the DC Universe, Kid Quick, is here to stay as they officially join DC's main continuity. The introduction of Jess Chambers has been one of the most exciting parts of Future State, as they are the first major non-binary hero of the Justice League. As the future's resident Justice League speedster, they have featured prominently across Future State: Justice League. Jess has proven themself to be worthy of the mantle of the Flash through their heroic acts. Recently, they saved the entire league by sharing their speed to make the jump across the multiverse.

DC Comics has announced that Jess Chamber's Flash, who premiered in DC's Very Merry Multiverse, will return after Future State ends. They will be joining the Flash Family's roster of speedsters as they are introduced into DC's main timeline. DC's two-month, line-wide event wasn't just about showing the potential outcomes of the future, but also about introducing new faces to bring into the publisher's lineup of comics. According to DC Comics, Future State was intended as a prelude to this year's planned comic books. And even if the storylines don't progress exactly to where Future State does, it serves as an introduction to DC's new characters.

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Among the Future State stars taking center stage in DC's main continuity is Jess Chambers, who will be meeting Barry Allen and his family of speedsters. Hailing from Earth-11, they are not the first Flash Family member with origins outside of Earth-Prime. It's great to see the new Flash being incorporated into DC's present-day pantheon of heroes, not only because they are a powerful hero, but because of how important they are. Being the first non-binary, genderfluid speedster is an incredibly important title to have, therefore, it's good to see Jess being brought into the Flash's main lineup of characters. Jess will take on the role of Kid Quick in The Flash, but with a destiny to one day become the Flash.

Although Jess' future is bright, there remains an important mystery about the character. As Future State: Justice League #1 teases, they came to Earth-0 to warn the Justice League of a conspiracy. The mystery of why they came is left unknown, and perhaps, their appearance in the Infinite Frontier relaunch of The Flash will reveal the answer. However, it's unclear how Jess will be incorporated into the present day as the events of Future State: Justice League are set in the far future. A viable option is that Jess could time travel back to the present day. But another option could be that their origin could get a complete revamp, which isn't too far-fetched as Infinite Frontier is a relaunch after all.

By continuing the new Flash's story after Future State, it will allow readers to get to know the new fan-favorite even better. This includes seeing what makes them tick, the extent of their power set, and how they compare to the main timeline's other Flash's. In the upcoming issues of The Flash, Jess will take their rightful place as a center stage character in DC's new era as they relaunch reality with Infinite Frontier #0 on March 2. Whether they will give up being Kid Quick to take on the mantle of the Flash remains unknown, but with the timelines changing, perhaps DC's new Flash could take on such a role at an earlier point.

Next: How DC's New Flash Is Different From Barry Allen

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February 24, 2021 at 05:17AM

The New Flash, Kid Quick, is Officially Joining DC's Universe - Screen Rant
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