The flash, a superhero fiction series, airing on The CW is based on DC’s comic The Flash. The first episode was aired on 7th October 2014 and is directed by Glen Winter. The flash is a costumed super hero who has the power to run at light speed. The character Barry Allen who is also The flash is portrayed by Grant Gustin. Flash goes around fighting crime and villainous characters to protect the people. The series has released six seasons and 133 episodes. The series was initially filmed in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. When the show first aired, it’s pilot became the second most watched episode after The Vampire Diaries in 2009.
The Cast of the show
The original cast members Grant Gustin (Barry Allen/Flash), Candice Patton (Iris west Allen), Jessie L Martin (Joe West), Carlos Valdes (Vibe), Danielle Panabaker (Killer Frost) and Tom Cavanagh (Eobard) are to remain in the next season as well. Danielle Nicolette and Kamilla Hwang who were seen in season five of the Flash is said to be returning in the seventh season. Sources say that Kayla Compton and Brandon McKnight who had kept reappearing in the show are now to be promoted as regulars in the show from the seventh season. According to a joint statement by The CW and Warner Brothers,
Hartley Sawyer who played the character Ralph Dibny has been fired from the show after posting some tweets that favoured racism. There is no information of whether the character will be removed from the show or not.The Plot for the season 7 of The Flash
In the end of the season six of the series we can see that Flash and his team trying to save his wife Iris who is trapped in the Mirrorverse because of a villainous character Eva McCulloch portrayed by Efrat Dor which unlike the comic is a female character. Unfortunately Team Flash fails at trying to save Iris in the end. Kamille who goes in search of Iris also gets pulled into the Mirrorverse. Now it is upto Iris and Kamille to try and find a way out of the Mirrorverse. In the seventh season we might get to see if Iris and kamille is able to escape the mirrorverse on their own or if Flash will find a way to save them from there. We might also get to see Flash fight The villan godspeed and The mirror Master.
Storyline of The Flash
The series begins when, forensic scientist Barry Allen (Flash), working with the central city police force gets struck by lighting during an accident at S.T.A.R labs due to the explosion of a particle accelerator. He wakes up after nine whole months only to find out that he has acquired supernatural powers of being able to run at lightspeed. In the beginning of the series he uses his powers to fight crime and other humans with supernatural abilities. With the help of his powers Barry Allen also the Flash finds the villain who murdered his mother and gets revenge. By the third season Barry creates a alternate timeline. In the fifth season the team discovers that Barry and Iris’s daughter Nora’s arrive has altered the timeline releasing Cicada. In the sixth season Iris gets pulled into the multiverse and is yet to find a way out which we will see only in the seventh season.
Release date
CW had announced the release of the season seven of the Flash back in January 2020 but unfortunately due to the pandemic the series shall not premiere in October. Not to worry, the season has been postponed and will premiere on The CW by January 2021.
"Flash" - Google News
July 08, 2020 at 11:16PM
“The Flash Season 7”: Will “Flash” be able to bring “Iris” back? Click ... - Next Alerts
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