
The Flash Can Fly a Plane Using Nothing But His Speed - Screen Rant

Like most superheroes in the DC Comics Universe, The Flash is bestowed with a myriad super powers and abilities. While some powers are a bit more obscure than others, he has abilities that can rival most other superheroes, including the most famous and powerful one of them all, the Man of Steel himself, Superman. While he's obviously most famous for his super speed, and for being the first comics characters to introduce the concept of the multiverse, there are other abilities that make the Flash one of the most inventive, quick-thinking characters in the DC universe.

Back during the New 52 iteration of the character, in the pages of The Flash #26, we find the Scarlet Speedster in pursuit of Esther Bryant, a daredevil thief otherwise known as Spitfire. She and her daredevil team of thieves have stolen vials of various toxins --- anthrax, ricin, and Joker toxin among others --- and killed a colleague of Barry Allen's, Dr. Carson, in the process. Escaping via a military plane, Spitfire fire several high-velocity weapons at the Flash, who vibrates himself to allow the projectiles to pass harmlessly through his the cost of being able to grab onto Spitfire's escaping plane before it takes off.

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A second attempt at capturing Spitfire and her gang occurs later in the issue, as the Flash asks for the Air Force to try a tricky maneuver, and with help getting to the right altitude to do so. Using a military helicopter as bait, the Flash rides shotgun in a fighter jet trailing not far behind the bait chopper, and Spitfire's plane. A brief firefight ensure between Spitfire and the bait copter, and once the Flash's jet is within range, she opens fire on him, as well. With the pilot ejecting, and all aircraft high above the clouds, the Flash engages in one of the most impressive uses of his speed skills in a long time.

Flash Flying Plane With Speed Comic

Vibrating his body at the same time as he ejects from the exploding jet, the Flash actually uses the water and ice particles from a cloud to run along, making his way from his falling jet, across the debris from the bait copter, and over to Spitfire and her gang. A fight ensues, with Spitfire killing her own gang, and tossing the stolen toxin vials out of her airplane, and leaping out via parachute. The Flash has a choice: grab Spitfire, or grab the falling vials. Choosing the latter, he dives into a free-fall, grabbing the vials, and spinning his free arm, creating a vortex and slowing his fall. Safely on the ground, the Flash realizes that before he can grab Spitfire, there is one more massive problem: her free-falling getaway plane, heading directly towards downtown Chicago!

As she glides to relative safety, Spitfire can hardly believe her eyes as she witnesses the Flash running straight up Chicago's skyscrapers, spinning himself at tremendous speed to create updrafts that push the careening plane just a bit higher in the air, further away from civilians. By running ahead and creating these updrafts, he leads the plane to an empty Wrigley Field, where it crashes harmlessly on the field. With the plane taken care of, he tracks down and helps police arrest Spitfire, who has surrendered, clear in the knowledge that no matter where she goes, the Flash will be right there. Any speedster with enough of a grasp of the speed force can recreate Flash's feat here, and it is hardly the first time he'd used the trick. While there's little shortage to the amazing, strange abilities of the Flash, it's his ingenuity under stress that is perhaps his greatest asset.

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The Flash Can Fly a Plane Using Nothing But His Speed - Screen Rant
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