
Flash Could be Immune to Thanos' Snap With His Weirdest Power - Screen Rant

While it is fairly obvious that the Flash could run circles around Thanos under normal circumstances as his powers make him virtually untouchable, there wouldn’t be much the Scarlet Speedster could do if he was around for Thanos’ Infinity Snap as there is no way to outrun the god-like power of cosmic chance. However, the worst power in the Flash’s arsenal could actually save him from oblivion, turning his 50/50 shot at survival into a sure thing.

Wally West doesn’t just have the power to outrun a speeding bullet, but can actually run backward through time itself. Every speedster in the DC universe, whether it be Wally West, Barry Allen, or even Eobard Thawne, has access to a cosmic power grid known as the Speed Force. By tapping into the Speed Force, the Flash can sprint through the time stream, vibrate at a level that can literally separate his molecules and allow him to phase through objects, and heal at a rapid rate.

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In The Flash #130 by Grant Morrison, Mark Millar, and Paul Ryan, Wally West is faced with a predicament the likes of which he had never faced before: his own death. A villain known as the Suit found a way to kill Wally and send his corpse one hour into the past where it would be found by his past self in an effort to terrorize him over the apparent inevitability of his own demise. However, when the time came for the Flash of the present to face the Suit, he used a move that is easily the wildest in his arsenal. Proving how unique Wally West's Flash is from Barry Allen's, Wally affected himself on a molecular level to effectively stop his heart and brain activity by going back in time and stealing speed from his past self, allowing him to re-awaken when time catches back up to him and the effects of the molecular shock wear off.

Flash is immune to Thanos' Infinity Snap.

The Flash puts himself into a temporary time loop of death and resurrection where he does literally die in the present time but only for a brief period. While his awakening is assured when he does this move, the fact that his body actually dies means that he would be able to cheat the Infinity Stones during the time of Thanos’ snap. If he timed it perfectly, Flash could steal his past speed and kill his present self at the exact moment Thanos snaps his fingers within the Infinity Gauntlet and kills half the universe, taking himself out of the cosmic equation as he wouldn’t be alive during the Stones’ calculation even if Thanos did choose who died in the snap.

Not only would the Flash be able to keep himself alive, but he could do the same for anyone else as well. If he and the other members of the Justice League found themselves in the Marvel Universe while Thanos attempted to pull off his cosmic snap, then the Flash could hold onto his team members and channel the Speed Force through all of them as well as himself as the move depends on his ability to steal speed and not on his biology. So, Flash could steal the speed from his past self as well as his team members’ past selves and ensure they would be technically dead at the time of the snap just as he would be, allowing them to return to life and launch an immediate strike against Thanos without suffering any casualties. Since this move does actually have to kill the Flash in order to work, it is easily his worst power, especially when compared to his other fantastical abilities, though based on its parameters, it could make him immune to Thanos’ Infinity Snap.

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Flash Could be Immune to Thanos' Snap With His Weirdest Power - Screen Rant
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