Executive Summary
- President Biden recently proposed giving essential workers “back hazard pay,” and while he provided few details around who would be eligible, how much they would receive, and who would pay, previous proposals from House Democrats as well as state and local hazard pay laws can indicate what form a federal plan could take.
- House Democrats proposed last year giving a $13 per hour raise to certain medical professionals along with other essential or front-line employees, such as pharmacists and grocery-store clerks, funded by $200 billion from the federal government.
- Seattle’s targeted hazard-pay ordinance, which requires only grocery workers receive an extra $4 an hour, and Maryland’s broad hazard-pay proposal, which would require all essential workers with income up to $100,000 a year receive an extra $3 an hour, mark the potential range of options for what a federal hazard pay requirement could look like.
- On a national scale, Seattle’s proposal could cost employers up to $12.4 billion over one year, and Maryland’s plan could cost employers up to $238 billion over one year.
President Biden recently put out a statement “calling on employers to meet their obligations to frontline essential workers and provide back hazard pay.” While the idea of “back” hazard pay is somewhat counterintuitive, as back pay would not encourage essential workers to stay at their jobs amid the COVID-19 pandemic, this is not the first time that policymakers have floated the idea of mandating national hazard pay. Congressional Democrats included hazard pay in their Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act in May, while Senator Mitt Romney introduced his own proposal the same month.
Since that initial burst of proposals, however, interest has waned at the federal level, yet states and municipalities have enacted a variety of hazard pay bills or ordinances. Because President Biden has not provided any details on his proposal for back hazard pay, it is worth exploring what states and cities have done in order to get a sense for how different eligibility criteria could affect cost and the number of affected workers at the national level.
The city of Seattle and Maryland provide useful examples. Seattle extended hazard pay to grocery store workers alone, while Maryland is proposing hazard pay for all essential workers. While examining these programs will not answer all questions about a federal program—who will pay, most obviously—they along with the congressional proposals can give a sense of what a proposal from the Biden Administration could look like.
Previous Federal Hazard Pay Proposals
In April 2020, Senate Democrats proposed the “Heroes Fund” plan, a hazard pay proposal that eventually became part of the HEROES Act, which passed the House in May 2020. According to Senator Schumer, the plan would have covered a number of different medical professionals in addition to other workers in essential services such as truck drivers, pharmacists, and grocery store clerks. This proposal would have applied a flat-rate hazard pay increase of $13 an hour paid for by $200 billion in federal funding. Employers would apply for grants to provide workers with the $13 bonus. While the federal government would provide $200 billion toward these grants, the American Action Forum estimates that the plan could cost up to $673 billion.
Senator Romney introduced a different stand-alone hazard pay bill, Patriot Pay. The legislation would mandate that essential workers receive a $12 an hour bonus, with a quarter covered by employers and three quarters paid by the federal government. Employers would receive a 75 percent refundable payroll tax credit for the additional pay, up to $12 an hour.
While funding streams are different, both proposals would place a mandate on employers to provide support and fund the aid, at least partially, through grants or refundable tax credits.
As part of initial negotiations over the American Rescue Plan, the Biden Administration called for back hazard pay for frontline and essential workers, stating that the president would “call on CEOs and other business leaders to take action to meet these obligations.” Without any additional detail, this statement suggests the administration would like a national hazard pay system that would mandate employers increase pay. Given that call and subsequent language from the White House, the White House appears to prefer an employer mandate where business owners would be responsible for covering the cost of pay bonuses.
Previous Research and State-Level Variation
Previous American Action Forum research estimated the cost of nationalized hazard pay under the HEROES Act proposal and at different percent wage hourly increases. Since this proposal, many states have decided to pass their own legislation. In some cases states and local governments provide support to pay for costs; in others hazard pay is done through mandates on employers. Some states opted to leave hazard pay rules up to cities and counties, but 15 have enacted statewide hazard pay legislation. Each statewide policy varies in terms of who bears responsibility for costs, amount, duration, and eligibility. State-by-state hazard pay legislation and proposals can be found in the appendix.
Pay and Duration
One model being used by states has hazard pay provided over increments of weeks, months, or pay periods totaling between $60 and $300 a week. Other states opted for hourly increases between $1 and $10 or simply provided one-time supplemental payments (with the most generous example totaling $2,000). Most statewide payments began between March and May 2020, aligning with the start and initial spike in COVID-19 cases and unemployment. Some of the legislation passed in the later months of 2020 were retroactively applied to earnings in March. Currently, end dates for enacted legislation mostly remain within 2020, with very few spilling into the early months of 2021. There are different options when it comes to who would cover the cost of hazard pay. In some cases the state provides funds to support their proposals, while in other examples hazard pay is merely mandated, meaning costs would fall on employers.
Across plans, eligible employees range from general frontline workers such as first responders and grocery store workers, to more specific groups represented by unions or working for particular companies. Connecticut, New Jersey, and New York’s statewide legislation only applied to ShopRite employees. In Massachusetts, eligibility was limited to state health care workers represented by the union American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. Similarly, Michigan offered payment only to correction officers represented by the Michigan Corrections Organization.
Seattle and Maryland
In order to illustrate the differences in scope and cost of different plans, this analysis looks at the hazard pay plan from the city of Seattle and the state of Maryland. While both plans, if applied nationally, would use an hourly increased pay structure, what makes them different is eligibility criteria, a consistently challenging aspect of any hazard pay plan.
In short, the Seattle ordinance mandates all grocery stores with over 500 workers provide their workers with hazard pay of $4 an hour. The affected workers and the flat increase amount are clearly defined. This likely reduces administrative burden, but a flat rate also means all workers receive the same amount regardless of role or compensation level. Looking at the national level, legislation like this one could affect nearly 2 million workers and cost $12.4 billion over one year. At the $4 hazard pay level, grocery store worker would see between an 18 and 33 percent increase in wages. The Seattle Ordinance took effect February 3 and will continue “until the end of the COVID-19 civil emergency.” The increased costs seem to have led to closures of some stores as a result of the ordinance coupled with dwindling profit margins. Taken to national scale, the Seattle hazard pay ordinance could total $12.4 billion over one year.
Cost of Seattle Hazard Pay Ordinance
Occupation | Employment | Avg. Hourly Wage | Hourly Hazard Pay | Weekly Cost of $4/hr. Hazard Pay | Annual Cost of $4/hr. Hazard Pay |
Butchers and meat cutters | 107,980 | $16.20 | $4.00 | $13,087,176 | $680,533,152 |
Cashiers | 940,170 | $12.00 | $4.00 | $113,948,604 | $5,925,327,408 |
First-line supervisors/managers | 173,470 | $21.78 | $4.00 | $21,024,564 | $1,093,277,328 |
Food preparation workers | 190,060 | $12.72 | $4.00 | $23,035,272 | $1,197,834,144 |
Stock clerks and order fillers | 556,220 | $13.32 | $4.00 | $67,413,864 | $3,505,520,928 |
TOTAL | 2 million | $238.5 million | $12.4 billion |
Estimates were made using detailed 2019 employment and wage data. Given job losses and reduction in hours, these numbers represent upper bound estimates.
As previous nationwide hazard pay proposals have not been as specifically targeted, it is unlikely that a federal plan would be limited to a single occupation. The much broader Maryland plan is more in line with Democrats’ previously proposed HEROES Act plan that includes all essential workers.
The Maryland hazard pay proposal is far broader and more inclusive than most other state and local plans. Eligibility for this proposal largely follows the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency advisory list that had previously been used by the HEROES Act proposal. Not only would the proposal, on a national scale, cover over 14 industries or sectors totaling between 25 and 35 percent of the labor force, but according to the legislation text, the pay could be back dated to the start of the pandemic. Of course, the costs would be significantly higher compared to the Seattle plan given that there would be more eligible workers for likely a longer period of time. Workers from eligible industries who make less than $100,000 a year would receive $3 an hour in hazard pay. Taken to national scale, the Maryland hazard pay proposal could total $238 billion over one year.
Cost of Maryland Hazard Pay Proposal
Occupation | Employment | Hazard Pay | Weekly Cost of $3 Hazard Pay | Annual Cost of $3 Hazard Pay |
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations | 5,659,224 | $3.00 | $679,106,862 | $35,313,556,824 |
Healthcare Support | 5,106,562 | $3.00 | $612,787,388 | $31,864,944,197 |
Protective Services | 2,934,793 | $3.00 | $352,175,213 | $18,313,111,066 |
Food Preparation and Service- Related Occupations | 8,015,786 | $3.00 | $961,894,375 | $50,018,507,510 |
Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance | 2,630,885 | $3.00 | $315,706,248 | $16,416,724,896 |
Transportation and Material Moving | 9,361,426 | $3.00 | $1,123,371,169 | $58,415,300,798 |
Installation, Maintenance, and Repair | 4,422,210 | $3.00 | $530,665,236 | $27,594,592,272 |
TOTAL | 38 million | $4.6 billion | $238 billion |
Estimates were made using detailed 2019 employment and wage data and adjusted for estimated job loss during in relevant industries in addition to excluding workers who make more than $100,000 a year.
Hazard pay has gained renewed attention due to President Biden’s support for a back hazard pay plan. While there are few details surrounding what form a nationwide hazard pay plan could take and no funding has been allocated to hazard pay, existing and recently proposed state and local legislation could offer a sense of scope and costs. As more time goes on, however, hazard pay becomes less likely to pass due to vaccine rollout and more individuals returning to work. Furthermore, many large businesses have opted to implement broad hazard pay policies in order to support their workers and incentivize work. Small business hazard pay policies are less common. Where they exist, they may be considerably more ad hoc, and focused on perks like meals and childcare arrangements rather than bonus compensation. Encouraging businesses that can to provide hazard pay without a mandate would avoid unnecessary permanent business closures and avoid further exacerbating long-term unemployment.
State | City or County | Date | Amount | Eligibility | Duration | Status |
Alabama | Attalla | 20-Apr-20 | $2 per hour | Firefighters, police officers and dispatchers | 4 weeks (28 days) | |
Alabama | Attalla | 20-Apr-20 | $1 per hour | Public works employees | 4 weeks (28 days) | |
Alabama | Birmingham | 7-Apr-20 | 5% pay raise | City employees who directly interact with the public | One month | |
Alabama | Baldwin County | 7-Apr-20 | $240,000 per pay period | Deputies, corrections officers and communications officers | Ended due to COVID-19 concerns | |
Alabama | Boaz | 1-Apr-20 | $200 per month | Police and fire department employees | Until all employees are back to working normal hours | |
Alabama | Columbiana | 21-Apr-20 | 5% pay increase to hour rate | Police, fire, street/sanitation, sewer, court and senior center departments | 2 pay cycles | |
Alabama | Daphne | 6-Apr-20 | $3 per hour | First responders | 4 weeks (28 days) | |
Alabama | Daphne | 6-Apr-20 | One-time $250 payment | Public safety personnel | ||
Alabama | Rainbow City | 17-Apr-20 | $2 per hour | Police officers, investigators and firefighters | 3 Weeks (21 days) | |
Alabama | Riverside | 5-May-20 | $1 per hour | First responders | Throughout stay-at-home orders | Riverside Mayor Rusty Jessup signed an executive order |
Alabama | Selma | 28-Apr-20 | $1.75 per hour | Police department and fire department employees | 30 days (subject to extension) | |
Alabama | Southside | 28-Apr-20 | One-time payment of $500 | Police officers, firefighters, dispatchers and animal control officers | N/A | |
Alabama | Summerdale | 14-Apr-20 | $1.50 per hour | Police officers | 28 days (subject to reconsideration) | |
Alabama | Vestavia Hills | 14-Apr-20 | 5% pay increase | First responders, building and engineering inspectors and administrative employees who work with the public | 30 days | |
Alaska | Statewide | 13-Apr-20 | N/A | *ASEA requested Hazard Pay for State employees but was denied by the state | ||
Arizona | Pima County | 12-Apr-20 | $2 per hour | Deputies, corrections officers, animal care officers, medical service posts and front-line clerk positions with direct contact with the public | 30-Jun-20 | |
Arkansas | statewide | 5-Apr-20 | $125 per week (working 20-39 hours) or $250 per week (40+ hours a week) | Emergency medical workers | 30-May-20 | |
California | Los Angeles County | 5-Jan-21 | $5 per hour | Workers at large grocery and drugstore chains | 120 Days | Voted on Mandate |
California | Montibello | 27-Jan-21 | $4 per hour | Workers at grocery and drug store with at least 300 employees nationwide | 180 Days | Passed as an urgency ordinance |
California | Oakland | $5 per hour | Grocery store workers | Passed as an emergency ordinance | ||
California | San Francisco | Early January | Passed as a non-binding ordinance | |||
California | San Jose | 2/23/2021 (go into effect March 25, 2021) | $3 per hour | Retail food workers at stores with 300 employees nationwide | 120 days | Ordinance will be formalized on 2/23/2021 |
California | Santa Monica | 12-Jan-21 | $5 per hour | Grocery workers at large employers | Approved | |
Colorado | Aurora | 18-Mar-20 | $3,000 in 2020 | Police officers and fire crews that interacted with the public daily | 31-Dec-20 | |
Colorado | Jefferson County | 1-Mar-20 | $50 per day worked | Sheriff’s office says deputies, control room operators and support personnel | 30-Sep-20 | |
Colorado | Lakewood | $1800 in 2020 | Police officers | |||
Colorado | Thornton | Mar-20 | $250 one-time payment | Frontline workers | Apr-20 | |
Connecticut | South Windsor | 13-Apr-20 | $200 weekly | Fire marshal’s office, voters’ registrar, parks and recreation, health, finance, town planning, town administration and public transit | 37 days | |
Connecticut | South Windsor | 13-Apr-20 | $4 per call | Firefighters | 37 days | |
Connecticut | South Windsor | 13-Apr-20 | $350 per week | Police officers | 37 days | |
Connecticut | Statewide | 26-Jul-20 | $1 an hour | ShopRite workers | 22-Aug-20 | ENDED |
DC | D.C. | 16-Mar-20 | $14 per day | First responders required to physically report to work | As long as city can provide it | |
Delaware | New Castle County | Aug-20 | $5 million of CARES Act money for all hazard pay | Government employees | ||
Florida | Brevard County | Dec-20 | One-time payment $1,500 | First Responders | N/A | |
Georgia | Atlanta | 7-Apr-20 | $500 a month | Public safety, sanitation and other front-line workers | through June | |
Georgia | Augusta | $5 per hour | Terminated due to reopening of Georgia economy | |||
Georgia | Barrow County | 14-Apr-20 | $250 per month | Emergency services | Duration of statewide emergency | |
Georgia | Carrollton | 7-Apr-20 | $200 every two weeks | Firefighters, police officers, public works employees, sanitation workers, City Hall cashiers, treatment plant workers and sewer infrastructure employees | 10 weeks | |
Georgia | Cherokee County | 9-Apr-20 | $250 per month (elevated risk) or $500 per month (significantly elevated risk) | Front line workers | 3 months | |
Georgia | Douglas County | 16-Mar-20 | $200 per pay period | Sheriff’s deputies, 911 dispatchers, coroner’s office employees, firefighters, animal shelter workers and landfill workers | 2 months | |
Georgia | Douglas County | 1-Feb-21 | $1000 one-time payment | Teachers and other school employees | N/A | |
Georgia | Forsyth County | 19-Mar-20 | $500 per month | Employees who are put in contact with the public | 6 pay periods | |
Georgia | Forsyth County | 19-Mar-20 | $250 per month | Employees who cannot practice social distancing or must enter occupied residences as part of their job | 6 pay periods | |
Georgia | Fulton County | 18-Mar-20 | $750 one-time payment | Front line workers | 60 days | |
Georgia | Grady County | 21-May-20 | $300 one-time bonus (part time employees) or $600 one-time bonus (full time employees) | EMS employees | N/A | |
Georgia | Henry County | 17-Mar-20 | $2.50 per hour | Employees who have the potential of direct contact with the public on a daily basis | 1 month | |
Georgia | Henry County | 17-Mar-20 | $1.50 per hour | Employees working in county offices | 1 month | |
Georgia | Savannah | 12-Apr-20 | $2.50 per hour | City employees | 8 weeks | |
Georgia | Smyrna | 20-Mar-20 | $2 per hour | First responders, community development employees and public works employees | throughout the city’s declared state of emergency | |
Georgia | Walton County | 1-Apr-20 | $100 per week | Firefighters, EMTs, paramedics, deputies, jail employees, public works employees and animal control officers | 1 month | |
Georgia | Woodstock | 16-Mar-20 | $500/month (primary assigned duties)or $250/month (secondary assigned duties) | Firefighters and police officers | 2 months | |
Hawaii | Honolulu | $800 per month | Bus and Handivan drivers | * Bus and Handivan drivers are requesting hazard pay after 42 staff members contracted COVID-19 | ||
Idaho | Statewide | 1-Mar-20 | Biweekly payment | An employee must be deemed as performing hazardous, critical or essential duty for the substantial majority of their scheduled work hours | 30-Dec-20 | |
Illinois | Chicagoland | Illinois Amazon Warehouse Workers | * Workers petitioning for hazard pay | |||
Indiana | Elwood | 6-May-20 | $1000 one time payment | Police and fire department | N/A | |
Kansas | Lansing | 5-Apr-20 | $400 per pay period | Staff at Lansing Correctional Facility | ||
Kansas | Sedgwick | 8-Apr-20 | $200 per month | County employees | 2 pay periods (subject to extension) | |
Kentucky | Lexington | $2 per hour | Kroger employees | late spring 2020 | ENDED (workers are now asking for more hazard pay) | |
Louisiana | Statewide | 11-Mar-20 | $250 one time payment | Frontline workers | 28-Dec-20 | ENDED |
Maine | Augusta | Mar-20 | $3-$5 | Certain employees within the correctional, agricultural and marine resources, administrative services and public health departments, and some staff at the Riverview and Dorothea Dix psychiatric centers | 31-Dec-20 | ENDED |
Maine | Portland | 2022 | 1.5 times normal pay | Low-wage store workers | Unknown | Provision delayed until 2022 |
Maryland | Baltimore | 26-Mar-20 | $200 biweekly and $100 biweekly (mission critical) | Firefighters, EMTs and police officers/ employees who are mission critical | ||
Maryland | Montgomery County | 13-Apr-20 | $10 per hour | County employees represented by the IAFF and FOP | ||
Maryland | Montgomery County | 13-Apr-20 | $10 or $3 per hour | MCGEO-represented employees depending on whether or not they regularly interact with the public. | ||
Massachusetts | Statewide | 15-Apr-20 | $10 per hour | State health care workers represented by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council 93 | 6 weeks | |
Michigan | Burton | 23-Apr-20 | $1000 one time payment | police officers | N/A | |
Michigan | Burton | 23-Apr-20 | $250 one-time payment | firefighters | N/A | |
Michigan | Burton | 23-Apr-20 | up to $1000 one-time payment | Any city employee working “above and beyond the call of duty” | N/A | |
Michigan | Detroit | $800 per month | City’s first responders and other employees that work with the public | duration of state emergency | ||
Michigan | Flint | 14-May-20 | $1,200 ($750 for other police and fire department staff, $1000 for public works water service) | Sworn police officers and firefighters | 2 payment installments | |
Michigan | Macomb County | 4-Apr-20 | $1/$2 per hour | County employees based on interaction with the public | ||
Michigan | Mount Clemens | 1-Apr-20 | $2 per hour | Firefighters and bus drivers | 1 month | |
Michigan | Oakland County | 7-May-20 | Hourly pay depending on how long the employee spends on sight | Sheriff’s office, health division, emergency operations, facilities and water resources employees | ||
Michigan | Statewide | 5-Apr-20 | $750 per pay period | Corrections officers represented by the Michigan Corrections Organization | ||
Michigan | Washtenaw County | 1-Jan-20 | 4% pay increase | Deputies and corrections officers | One year | |
Minnesota | Minneapolis | $2 an hour | Cub Foods workers | 4-Jul-20 | ENDED | |
Minnesota | Minneapolis | $2 an hour | Linden Hills Co-op, Eastside Food Co-op, Kowalski’s Market workers | Oct-20 | ||
Minnesota | Minneapolis | 13-Apr-20 | 4% wage increase | Lunds & Byerlys employees | 27-Sep-20 | ENDED |
Minnesota | Minneapolis | Mar-20 | 3 rounds of $300 (full time workers) or $150 (part-time workers) | Walmart workers | Aug-20 | |
Mississippi | Clarksdale | 7-Apr-20 | 5% pay raise | First responders and public works employees | at least 2 pay periods | |
Mississippi | Jackson | End of April | $600 one time payment | First responders | N/A | |
Mississippi | Ocean Springs | 14-May-20 | $100 per week | Police officers and firefighters | 10 weeks | |
Missouri | Statewide | $250 a month | State employees working in detention facilities, with mental health patients and with the developmentally disabled | 31-Dec-20 | ||
Montana | Statewide | May-20 | $4 per hour ($2 per hour for the month of March 2021 | Frontline workers | Mar-21 | |
Nebraska | Statewide | Nov-20 | Unclear | Bryan’s Health Staff | *$3.3 million of CARES Act funding | |
Nevada | Las Vegas | Jul-20 | 3.23% wage increase | 1,300 city employees (even if they did not attend work) | 1 month | |
New Hampshire | Statewide | 5-May-20 | $300 weekly (full time first responders) or $150 (part time and volunteer firefighters and EMTs) | Police officers, firefighters, EMS providers, corrections officers and other first responders | Through end of June | |
New Jersey | Statewide | 26-Jul-20 | $1 an hour | ShopRite workers | 22-Aug-20 | ENDED |
New Mexico | Statewide | 27-Nov-20 | $600 one time payment | Low-wage essential workers | N/A | |
New York | Statewide | 26-Jul-20 | $1 an hour | ShopRite workers | 22-Aug-20 | ENDED |
North Carolina | Charlotte | 26-Mar-20 | 5% increase in base pay | Employees who have frequent, direct contact with the public, including first responders | Until county stay at home order is lifted | |
North Carolina | Rockingham | 29-Apr-20 | $250 one time payment | Police and fire department | N/A | |
North Dakota | Valley City | 15-Mar-20 | $500 a month | Nine city police officers | 3 months | |
Ohio | Statewide | Mar-20 | 10% per hour (at facilities where staff and inmates have tested positive) $8 per hour (specific cases if other state employees weren’t home but corrections officers were still working) | State corrections officers | Feb-21 | |
Oklahoma | Stephens County | 11-May-20 | $2 per hour | Sheriff’s office employees | ||
Oregon | Statewide | May-20 | Department of Human Services provide payment equal to 2.5% of Medicaid revenue | Nursing facilities | Jul-20 | |
Pennsylvania | Lock Haven | 17-Mar-20 | $2 per hour | on-site essential employees | TBD | |
Rhode Island | Statewide | $1000 a week | Essential workers | * Not an official program * It is being advocated for by the Rhode Island Health Care Association | ||
South Carolina | Charleston County | 20-Apr-20 | $100 per week(salaried) or $250 (hourly workers) | Essential county employees | ||
South Carolina | Summerville | 22-Apr-20 | $300 per week | Summerville town employees | ||
Tennessee | Statewide | *Governor Lee said that the state wouldn’t consider offering hazard pay for essential workers during the pandemic | ||||
Texas | Collin County | 6-Apr-20 | $6 per hour (mandatory workers) or $3 (non-mandatory workers) | County workers | Duration of county’s emergency period | |
Texas | Dallas County | 7-Apr-20 | not released | First responders and health workers | ||
Texas | Denton County | 7-Apr-20 | $80 per week | Critical employees (detention officers, sheriff’s deputies and constables) | Until county’s disaster declaration is lifted | |
Texas | Donna | 7-Apr-20 | $700 per month | Patrol officers and firefighters | 6 weeks | |
Texas | Glen Heights | 13-Apr-20 | $2 per hour | Front line workers | Until disaster declaration is lifted | |
Texas | Navarro County | 25-Apr-20 | $5 per hour | Sheriff’s department and Road and Bridge personnel | Through July 2020 | |
Utah | South Salt Lake | 30-Oct-20 | $150 per pay check | First responders | 30-Dec-20 | |
Vermont | Statewide | 13-Mar-20 | $1,200 (68-216 hours between start and end date) or $2,000 (216+ hours) | Front line employees in public health, public safety, health care, and human services | 15-May-20 | Second round started at the end of October |
Virginia | Fairfax County | Feb-21 | $2,000 one time payment | Government workers whose jobs put them at high risk of exposure | N/A | |
Virginia | Statewide | 12-Mar-20 | $1,500 one time payment | Consumer Direct Care Network attendees | 30-Jun-20 | |
Virginia | Statewide | Oct-20 | $1500 one time payment | Home health workers who worked between March 12 and June 30 | N/A | |
Washington | Seattle | January 25,2021 | $4 per hour | Grocery workers at grocery and food retail businesses with at least 500 employees | Mandate unanimously passed | |
Washington | Burien | 17-Feb-21 | $5 per hour | All grocery workers at stores with 250+ employees | Passed ordinance | |
Washington | King County | 11-Feb-21 | $4 per hour | Grocery store workers | Introduction and consideration of bill | |
West Virginia | Kanswha-Charleston Health Department | Oct-20 | $500 one-time payment | Kanswha-Charleston Health Department workers | N/A | |
West Virginia | Lewisburg City | Nov-20 | $1,500 one-time payment | City employees | N/A | |
West Virginia | Putnam County | Feb-21 | $250 or $500 per month | First responders and emergency personnel | May-21 | |
Wisconsin | Sheboygan County | $10 per hour | Long Term Care facility workers | During a confirmed positive case in the unit | ||
Wisconsin | Fond du Lac County | End of 2020 | One time payment dependent on full or part time status | Nursing home employees | N/A | |
Wisconsin | Ozaukee County | 15-Mar-20 | Lump sum based on average number of weekly hours of six pay periods | Sheriff’s Office, Public Health, Lasata, and Human Services employees | 24-Oct-20 | |
Wisconsin | Rock County | $500 one time payment | Nursing home, sheriff’s office, ME office, HSD, youth services center, communications center, and facilities and IT | |||
Wisconsin | Rock County | $5 per hour | Staff working in a closed down unit with a positive case | |||
Wisconsin | Bayfield County | $1.50 per hour | On call health department staff | |||
Wisconsin | Washington County | $20 each day worked | Custodians. Medical Examiner Staff, direct care staff in nursing homes, jail workers, deputies and detectives in Sheriff’s department | |||
Wisconsin | Waupaca County | One-time payment | Salaried Public Health Officers and Health Managers | |||
Wyoming | Johnson County | 27-Jan-21 | $5000 (full time) $2500 (part time)One time payment | Employees at Johnson County Health Center | N/A |
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March 18, 2021 at 10:50PM
State and Local Hazard Pay - AAF - American Action Forum
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