
Flash Proves That His Most Valuable Power is Not Superspeed - Screen Rant

Warning: Spoilers for Dark Knights of Steel #2!

The Flash has many different powers linked to his superspeed, but one power, in particular, is an ability that allows him to vibrate through objects, helping him to accomplish feats that he normally couldn't. And now in a medieval world where knights and magic and Game of Thrones-esque politics rule all, Flash must be wishing he had this extremely valuable power at his disposal so he can get himself out of a predicament that isn’t exactly ideal.

As seen in the second issue of DC Comics' twelve-issue limited series titled Dark Knights of Steel, by Tom Taylor and Yasmine Putri, the ruling House of El — the royal family of this series’ version of Superman and Batman — have been putting other DC Comics supers in jail as a cautionary tactic to nip any of their potentially problematic shenanigans in the bud. Unfortunately proven right as Jor-El, Superman and Batman's father, is shot and killed by an enchanted arrow at the end of the last issue, fans are brought to the underground cellblock where these supers are being kept against their will.

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Wanting to interrogate this series’ version of Green Arrow about who ordered the hit on his father, Superman gets aggressive with Batman and the court jester version of Harley Quinn, sending them on their way back through the dungeon. Passing by a handful of cells that house other DC characters like Detective Chimp, Hawkgirl, King Shark, Deathstroke, Blue Devil, and even Flash, it’s this last inmate referred to as The Fastest Man Alive that fans should take note of.

Flash captured in Dark Knights of Steel

Shown to be zipping around his cell at superspeed, one thing, in particular, stands out about his current situation. Often utilizing his connection to the Speed Force to manifest several different powers, this version of Flash seems to not have access to the one power more valuable than his superspeed: his vibration/phasing powers.

Clearly unable to escape his cell with his superspeed alone, if this version of Flash knew of his vibration abilities, he undoubtedly would have already used them to phase through his prison bars, maybe pick up one or two of the less evil inmates stuck in the dungeon with him, then easily scoot out the front castle door to freedom. But as it stands — and since this Dark Knights of Steel series isn’t in DC’s “main” reality — it looks like Flash is stuck running in circles for now.

So although vibrating through objects is a staple move in Flash’s power set, not having it puts him in an awkward situation that his superspeed can’t solve. And while Flash may be biding his time on the inside so he can show off his most valuable power at the right moment, fans will have to be satisfied with knowing that he’s at least alive and well in a medieval world that gets more and more dangerous as the story unfolds.

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Flash Proves That His Most Valuable Power is Not Superspeed - Screen Rant
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