
Could Future State's Mysterious Multiversal New Flash Be... Marvel's Quicksilver? - CBR - Comic Book Resources

DC teased fans with a recent first look at the all-new Justice League that will be debuting in the upcoming "Future State" event, which is filled with new legacy heroes along with a few mystery additions. The Next Batman who will take over after Bruce Wayne is still unknown despite several theories, yet there hasn't been much revealed about a new version of the Flash.

What has been revealed about the new Flash is that he comes from the Multiverse and his identity may be unknown to even his Justice League teammates. This Flash also appears to be a new (or existing) superhero of color with white/silver hair, though it's hard to tell with the full face mask and limited information. Thankfully fans have seen several speedsters in past and modern storylines from different timelines who could follow in the Flash's footsteps and would fit into the legacy dynamic of the new Justice League, as well as a few multiversal options that could see new life in "Future State."

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Wallace West/Kid Flash

Kid Flash

Where's Wallace? While the Future State key art and covers from solicited issues from the two-month event teased several changes for the Justice League and their related families, there were a few noticeable absences. Future State: The Flash, which will cross over with Future State: Teen Titans and Future State: Shazam, showcases the majority of the Flash family on the cover, yet no Wallace West/Kid Flash.

It's possible the multiversal nod of the new Flash given in previews is misdirection or even a reference to the new state of the DC Universe after the climax of Dark Nights: Death Metal. However, barring Kid Flash's death in the event it seems likely he would be the next to take on the role of the Flash, despite the hair color.

Avery Ho

DC Comics The Flash Avery Ho Justice League of China

Avery Ho first gained her abilities during the Central City Speed Force storm that powered a few new speedsters, though she quickly rose in popularity (and survived Godspeed) to become The Flash of the Justice League of China and a trusted member of the Flash family. While Avery is set to appear alongside the rest of the Flash Family in Future State: The Flash, the time-spanning event will examine different time-periods of DC's potential future, meaning we could see different eras of characters appear in the event.

And while the new Flash teased in Future State's Justice League appears to be male, there are quite a few worlds across the Multiverse that feature gender-bent versions of characters. Avery Ho's increasing status in the Flash family just means there are more potential versions of the character that could exist in the new DC Multiverse.

John Fox/New Kid Flash

Jonathan Fox first traveled back in time from the 27th century to take over as the Flash before he later escaped to the 853rd century where he appeared alongside the Justice Legion A during "DC One Million". While he doesn't look like the new Flash teased in the upcoming Future State event, John Fox recently briefly reappeared in The Flash alongside a mysterious new Kid Flash who appeared to be a young green alien girl, and not much has been revealed about the new Kid Flash of the 853rd century since her debut.

Given that DC Executive Editor Marie Javins revealed in the "Future State" announcement that readers might "pick up on some of the breadcrumbs that have already been tossed out in our current titles," the new Kid Flash's appearance in the future of the mainstream universe alongside John Fox ahead of the debut of several new speedsters seems like an interesting decision.

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The short-lived speedster known as Impetus first appeared in WildStorm's Stormwatch series by Warren Ellis and Bryan Hitch alongside members like Apollo and Midnighter. Impetus was a speedster who served as his reality's take on The Flash (much like Apollo and Midnighter were takes on Superman and Batman), though Impetus didn't survive the almost destruction of his team shortly after their debut.

Since "Future State" will be featuring WildStorm characters like Grifter and Midnighter in a few of the oversized comics during the event, it's possible DC could be expanding their selection of speedsters with a new take on the one-time multiversal Flash.


Holy Reach, Batman! While one of the only similarities between the Flash of "Future State" and Marvel's Quicksilver is their hair color and speed, there is precedent for a speedster transfer between universes. Back in 1990's Quasar #17 by Mark Gruenwald and Mike Manley, a cosmic race featuring some Marvel's speedsters was crashed and won by a multiversal character with amnesia who wore a familiar tattered red and yellow costume and thought his name was "something like Buried Alien."

While the character was never confirmed as being a reality-displaced Barry Allen from the DC Universe, the character's subsequent appearance as FastForward further teased the connection and laid the groundwork for Marvel's speedster Quicksilver to potentially make his own multiversal journey to the DC reality sometime in the future.

KEEP READING: Future State: Who's In DC's Next Generation of Heroes?

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Could Future State's Mysterious Multiversal New Flash Be... Marvel's Quicksilver? - CBR - Comic Book Resources
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